
Detail Claim Database (DCD)

In 1993, the Massachusetts Commissioner of Insurance mandated all companies writing automobile insurance in Massachusetts to report specific data on closed auto injury claims to the AIB in order to create and maintain the DCD to better understand the characteristics of automobile injury claims. The DCD is a unique database containing a broad array of information and statistics on injuries, treatment, billing, payments, special claims handling activities, and the professionals and individuals involved with these claims. The DCD is unparalleled in its level of detail, accuracy, and overall participation and it is viewed as the cornerstone in the battle against insurance fraud in Massachusetts.

All companies writing auto insurance in Massachusetts must report specific data on closed injury claims to the DCD. For complete details on reporting instructions for your company, contact DCDSupport.

Investigative tools are available to insurance company claims staff, managers, and investigators to provide a unique view of the injury claims experience. The Insurance Fraud Bureau, professional licensing organizations, criminal justice agencies, and the Massachusetts Division of Insurance also use the DCD to monitor costs and detect fraudulent practices.

Powerful search options to query for claims history by name, by address, by medical or legal providers and by other unique claim characteristics, as well as special tools and reports for SIUs.

Batch Search Request (BSR)
Automated batch search for claims history by name available to incorporate into company claims systems to provide adjusters with daily updates on open claims.

Search option to query the Massachusetts Private Passenger Statistical loss data by VIN for both liability and physical damage claims.

Claims Statistics
Aggregate summaries, claims statistics, and distributions available for company and the industry.

Group training and individual support are available on DCD reporting and using the DCD tools. Please contact DCDSupport.

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